
Baraka és una paraula d’origen àrab que significa alè vital, pura energia de vida, gràcia divina. Es diu que hi ha llocs amb una baraka especial. Entre ells, la música. La música és la bellesa l’allò més primordial que nia en nosaltres. En el batec del cor hi ha el ritme. En la respiració, la melodia. I en la relació amb tot allò que ens envolta, l’harmonia.

La música, com el perfum, és presència intangible. Entrar en ella és entrar en un espai preciós en què allò que és subtil pren cos, i on allò que és tangible esdevé subtil. Segons Mowlânâ Rûmî, la música, com el perfum, ens fa comprendre que vivim exiliats en aquest món, i alhora ens recorda allò que sabem i no obstant hem oblidat: el camí de retorn vers el nostre origen, vers casa nostra.

Habitar aquest espai preciós no pot fer-se només des de la raó. Aquest coneixement delicat i potent ha de ser degustat, encarnat, i per això Mowlânâ va ballar i va ballar, i va girar i girar i girar. D’aquest espai preciós de presència intangible és del què ens parlen els autors reunits en aquest blog. En un món com el que ens ha tocat viure, en què tantes velles estructures inservibles s’enfonsen, és responsabilitat de cadascú de nosaltres agafar-nos fort a aquells qui ens han indicat el camí, intentar comprendre´n els indicis, descobrir-ne les petjades ... i començar a girar.

Sigueu més que benvinguts a Baraka,

Lili Castella



dissabte, 24 de juny del 2017

'Id al-Fitr. Festa de la Purificació

‘Id al-Fitr

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

 Rose - absolutely love this color!:

Prayer on the Occasion of the End of Ramadan

“O Lord we thank Thee at the end of this month of trial and of blessings for all that Thou have given us and also all that has been denied us for we become aware of Thee both through Thy gifts and through all privation which is only a reflection of Thy Transcendence. In fasting we have worn the armor of the purity of Thy Presence against all the vicissitudes and dispersions of the world. We have died to the world to live in Thy Will. Our fast was not only the rejection of food and drink and even the purification of our minds of evil thoughts. It was certainly all of these things according to what Thou hast willed in Thy Sacred Law. But it was even more than that a rejection of all that is other than Thee, for to fast is to put aside everything but Thy Countenance and to live in Thy Presence. It is ultimately to remember Thee and to invoke Thee through Thy Sacred Name.

With the help of the shroud of purity which this holy month has made to descend upon Thy servants, we have come to see the world of Thy Creation not as separation and veil but as signs and portents of Thy Wisdom and Beauty. In the practice of spiritual poverty symbolized by the fast and actualized also by it we have emptied the vessel of our humble existence of ourselves and have been blessed to have it filled with the nectar of Thy Presence as the cosmos was made resplendent by the descent of Thy Word, the Holy Quran, during this month.

Now that we bid farewell to this blessed month and join in celebrating this feast which makes us aware once again of the blessings of life and the food which nourishes and sustains it, enable us to maintain in the days, weeks and months that follow an element of the purity and detachment of Ramadan. Allow us to live in the world in such a way as to be also in Thy Presence. Endow us with the vision of creatures in their inwardness, as they exist before Thy Majesty and as they reflect Thy Beauty and not solely in their outward aspect as veil and separation. May we live throughout the year and in fact all the years of our lives in Thy Sacred Name in such a way that we retain the purity of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan along with the celebration of the goodness and beauty of Thy creation and of Thy gifts during this great feast, the ‘id al-fitr, which crowns a month when we have tried to live according to Thy Will and to perform the acts of worship Thou hast willed for us. May we always live according to Thy Will and in Thy Sacred Name.”

(*)Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol. 16, No. 1 & 2 (Winter-Spring, 1984). © World Wisdom, Inc.