
Baraka és una paraula d’origen àrab que significa alè vital, pura energia de vida, gràcia divina. Es diu que hi ha llocs amb una baraka especial. Entre ells, la música. La música és la bellesa l’allò més primordial que nia en nosaltres. En el batec del cor hi ha el ritme. En la respiració, la melodia. I en la relació amb tot allò que ens envolta, l’harmonia.

La música, com el perfum, és presència intangible. Entrar en ella és entrar en un espai preciós en què allò que és subtil pren cos, i on allò que és tangible esdevé subtil. Segons Mowlânâ Rûmî, la música, com el perfum, ens fa comprendre que vivim exiliats en aquest món, i alhora ens recorda allò que sabem i no obstant hem oblidat: el camí de retorn vers el nostre origen, vers casa nostra.

Habitar aquest espai preciós no pot fer-se només des de la raó. Aquest coneixement delicat i potent ha de ser degustat, encarnat, i per això Mowlânâ va ballar i va ballar, i va girar i girar i girar. D’aquest espai preciós de presència intangible és del què ens parlen els autors reunits en aquest blog. En un món com el que ens ha tocat viure, en què tantes velles estructures inservibles s’enfonsen, és responsabilitat de cadascú de nosaltres agafar-nos fort a aquells qui ens han indicat el camí, intentar comprendre´n els indicis, descobrir-ne les petjades ... i començar a girar.

Sigueu més que benvinguts a Baraka,

Lili Castella



dimarts, 1 de març del 2016

La senda de Laylà

The Beauty of Layla’s Face

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Persian Lovers:

O Layla, o beauty of the Night, more luminous than a thousand suns,
Dark because of  Thy radiance.
We were born to behold the Beauty of Thy Face,
We were born to hear the Beauty of Thy Voice.
Thou art the Essence, darkness shining as the desert sun at noon,
Thy Beauty is in all creatures reflected here below.
In the face of a fair maiden and the flight of a flock of birds,
In the azure sky and the roaring sea,
In the mane of the mighty lion and the hues of the lovely sea urchin.
I hear the Beauty of Thy Voice in the siren song of the whale,
As well in the chant of the nightingale in the garden,
Hymning Thy Praise in her morning concert.
Above all I behold Thy Beauty in the sanctified soul from Thy true lovers,
Beholden to Thy Love, basking in Thy Radiance.

 O lovers of Layla, let us remain forever open to beauty,
Let us keep the window of the soul open to that cool breeze,
Flowing from the horizons beyond to bring us the message of our Beloved.
Let us keep our inner ears open to that celestial music,
To the song of the wings of Gabriel which is the root of our very being.
Let us cling to all beauty which a reflection of Her Beauty is.

O Layla, the goal of all my life is to experience Thy Embrace,
To become drowned in the ocean of Thy Beauty in the eternal now,
To become immersed in that Beauty which is also peace,
Peace, calm, harmony, away from all dispersion, from the world’s din,
And yet peace which is also ardent love that burns and consumes.
O Layla, Thy Beauty is both light that frees and love that immolates,
The Reality that both illuminates and pacifies,
Bringing a peace that is also supreme ecstasy.
All joys we experience here belos and can experience from that Beauty come.

O friends of the Path, let us then never forget why we were born.
Into this world we were brought to behold the Beauty of Layla’s Face,
To see that Beauty in all that beautiful is,
To hear the Beauty of Her Voice in the hymning of Her Praise,
By all creatures whose very existence is their chant in prayer,
Offered to the Beauty of Layla,
the Light of whose countenance is the inner reality of all beings.
Let us, o friends, remain true to ourselves, to our true nature,
And behold always the Beauty of Layla’s Face, knocking at Her door,
Until we are granted intimacy and are received in Her Embrace.